When applying for a car loan, we get so attentive on what we should and must do in order to get approved that often times we overlook some of the actions that end up working against us and mitigating our chances of getting into the vehicle we want. It is known that while the advance of the internet has made…
You are probably familiar with the standard process of purchasing a vehicle in Canada. Firstly, hours and hours of thorough research are performed and you gather enough information that would likely qualify you for a job position at a dealership. Furthermore, the decision to drive to a dealership and test-drive the vehicles you have been looking into is made. A…
TIPS ON GETTING AN AUTO LOAN When you walk into a dealership and start planning to purchase a new vehicle, one of the most crucial factors that will determine whether you will or will not be able to fulfill your goal and drive home that car or truck of your dreams is your relationship with the financial institutions; maintaining a…